TSAM is now available with some new features mentioned below:
1. Multi-customer user:
Users (in all Cloud Roles) with Cloud Customer Level Policy permissions will be able to register with multiple customers. The current limitation of single customer membership can be attributed to the desire to cater for Service Providers, but represents a major limitation for Enterprises implementing a Private Cloud. This feature meets the demand of several organizations wanting to implement Private Cloud.
2. Enhancement to the Out of Band Resource Allocation for System P:
Now has an additional resource check at the time of provisioning to allow for selection of an alternate host platform.
3. VMWare Disk management independent of mount point:
Additional disk can now be managed independent of mount points and a new mandatory parameter disk name is used for the user to identify the disk.
4. IBM System Director VMControl TSAM Extension:
Now available as part of TSAM Core and provides Additional Disk and Live Partition Mobility for Virtual Servers provisioned using IBM System Director VMControl Offering.
5. Serviceability Requests:
Messages included / modified / improved in this release: CTJZH3405E, BMXAA1477E, CTJZI8329W, CTJZI1717E, CTJZH9336W, CTJZH9337E
TSAM on Fix Central: http://www-933.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/selectFixes?parent=ibm~Tivoli&product=ibm/Tivoli/Tivoli+Service+Automation+Manager&release=7.2.4&platform=All&function=all
TSAM InfoCenter: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v10r1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.tsam_7.2.4.3.doc%2Fc_components.html
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